EpilepsyHuman studies with cannabidiol in epilepsy have been promising. Elixinol CBD has been very effective in my clinical experience. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs Elixinol CBD is a blend of naturally occurring cannabinoids and enhancers which appears to be more effective and safer with some surprising benefits especially in children.
• Acute Dose: Definitive studies are lacking. Medical literature suggests that many respond to 1mg/kg others may require as much as 10mg/kg. Many are seizure free although the main goal is to substantially reduce the frequency. To initiate therapy start with the standard serving size twice per day, then titrate the dose for seizure control every three days. If other medications are being used, side effects may occur from THOSE medications and indicate the need to reduce that drug dosage, not Elixinol. Use in divided servings (2-4) throughout the day.
• Formulation: All can be effective but personal preferences for taste and texture predominate. Xpen may be the best overall, tinctures most cost effective, Liposomes improved potency, taste and delivery.
• Management: I recommend you chart your daily progress on a single document including seizures, CBD dose, other med dose, symptoms and anything else you believe important to help make decisions on your treatment plan. It’s a big help to your doctor as well. If you need to share then take a picture with your smart phone and share.
• Endocannabinoid support: For this condition the essential oil caryophyllene (BCP) may enhance CBD. Apply this product to any skin area for systemic absorption, about 5 drops 3x/day. It’s a natural substance found in many plants and approved by the FDA as safe and effective for some conditions. Amazon sells the terpene and a natural oil, copaiba, with high concentrations of BCP. Studies show that CB2 receptor agonists have been effective at improving this condition. BCP is the active ingredient of basil, black pepper, oregano, hops.
• Sulforphane: an extract of broccoli 4 tablets, Avmacol per day.
• Magnesium: This mineral is important for brain function and has a calming relaxing effect as well as anti-seizure. Mega-Mag is what I use and recommend. Topical or oral application is effective. Other products may be effective. Oral magnesium like Slow Mag and Mag64 tablets have also been effective. 400mg is a good amount but it can be increased without toxicity or diarrhea.
• Frequency: My suggestion is CBD two to three times daily. If liquid, put under the tongue or into the mouth. If possible swish throughout the mouth and avoid swallowing as long as possible to maximize the mouth absorption, then swallow. The doses do not all have to be the same. If capsule, just swallow. Use with or without food.
• Formulations: Elixinol comes in several forms. Some products may not be available in all countries.
• Side Effects: rare. occasionally, vivid dreams, fatigue, mild/moderate headache, mild reflux shortly after dose and meal. CBD is not toxic and has no overdose levels. If fatigue, reduce the preceding single dose and add to another dose such as before bed or add a fourth dose to regimen. CBD has no dependence or withdrawal.
• Interactions: rare. CBD can make some drugs stronger in their effect on the body. Only two cases have been documented in epilepsy. One needs only to reduce or remove the other medication causing symptoms. There are no known interaction with coagulation or platelet function.
• Nutritional support: omega-3 oils help CBD by stimulating the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) in the body. Diet: ketogenic has been effective in many conditions. More info at https://goo.gl/54UHyv
• Maintenance Dose: Keep adjusting the dose, timing and frequency to meet your particular needs.
•• Report your results with CBD at https://www.theroc.us/orr ;this registry because other doctors need to know.
•• Elixinol.com -for product information or customer services
•• https://www.theroc.us/contact -Call Realm of Caring for Questions about using cannabis for health conditions.
•• http://prohealthadvisor.com -for personal health coaching of difficult medical conditions by team dietitians who advise on diet, exercise and CBD.
•• Brief Telephone call: If you would like to have a short conversation confirm a time and day that is most suitable to you.
•• Detailed Clinical consultation: https://goo.gl/XTqhxR
•• Disclaimer: CBD is not approved for use as a treatment of any medical condition. This information is based on animal studies because few human trials have not been done. My recommendations are mere suggestions for dietary supplementation to be considered under direction of your health care provider advice.
• Formulation: All can be effective but personal preferences for taste and texture predominate. Xpen may be the best overall, tinctures most cost effective, Liposomes improved potency, taste and delivery.
• Management: I recommend you chart your daily progress on a single document including seizures, CBD dose, other med dose, symptoms and anything else you believe important to help make decisions on your treatment plan. It’s a big help to your doctor as well. If you need to share then take a picture with your smart phone and share.
• Endocannabinoid support: For this condition the essential oil caryophyllene (BCP) may enhance CBD. Apply this product to any skin area for systemic absorption, about 5 drops 3x/day. It’s a natural substance found in many plants and approved by the FDA as safe and effective for some conditions. Amazon sells the terpene and a natural oil, copaiba, with high concentrations of BCP. Studies show that CB2 receptor agonists have been effective at improving this condition. BCP is the active ingredient of basil, black pepper, oregano, hops.
• Sulforphane: an extract of broccoli 4 tablets, Avmacol per day.
• Magnesium: This mineral is important for brain function and has a calming relaxing effect as well as anti-seizure. Mega-Mag is what I use and recommend. Topical or oral application is effective. Other products may be effective. Oral magnesium like Slow Mag and Mag64 tablets have also been effective. 400mg is a good amount but it can be increased without toxicity or diarrhea.
• Frequency: My suggestion is CBD two to three times daily. If liquid, put under the tongue or into the mouth. If possible swish throughout the mouth and avoid swallowing as long as possible to maximize the mouth absorption, then swallow. The doses do not all have to be the same. If capsule, just swallow. Use with or without food.
• Formulations: Elixinol comes in several forms. Some products may not be available in all countries.
• Side Effects: rare. occasionally, vivid dreams, fatigue, mild/moderate headache, mild reflux shortly after dose and meal. CBD is not toxic and has no overdose levels. If fatigue, reduce the preceding single dose and add to another dose such as before bed or add a fourth dose to regimen. CBD has no dependence or withdrawal.
• Interactions: rare. CBD can make some drugs stronger in their effect on the body. Only two cases have been documented in epilepsy. One needs only to reduce or remove the other medication causing symptoms. There are no known interaction with coagulation or platelet function.
• Nutritional support: omega-3 oils help CBD by stimulating the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) in the body. Diet: ketogenic has been effective in many conditions. More info at https://goo.gl/54UHyv
• Maintenance Dose: Keep adjusting the dose, timing and frequency to meet your particular needs.
•• Report your results with CBD at https://www.theroc.us/orr ;this registry because other doctors need to know.
•• Elixinol.com -for product information or customer services
•• https://www.theroc.us/contact -Call Realm of Caring for Questions about using cannabis for health conditions.
•• http://prohealthadvisor.com -for personal health coaching of difficult medical conditions by team dietitians who advise on diet, exercise and CBD.
•• Brief Telephone call: If you would like to have a short conversation confirm a time and day that is most suitable to you.
•• Detailed Clinical consultation: https://goo.gl/XTqhxR
•• Disclaimer: CBD is not approved for use as a treatment of any medical condition. This information is based on animal studies because few human trials have not been done. My recommendations are mere suggestions for dietary supplementation to be considered under direction of your health care provider advice.